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 Pre-Check w/PHP
Author: J.Yard2   (25 Nov 08 3:11pm)
The following PHP code will check the http:BL and deny access to clients listed in the database, and instead deliver your honey pot.

An Overview:
Client requests /index.html, which is simply an include to /xPage0.php

xPage0.php sets the PageFile variable, includes /Site_Env.php, access_log.php, and calls http_BL_PreCheck function.

http_BL_PreCheck function queries the http:BL database and depending on the result delivers either the requested xPage or your honey pot page.

FILE: /index.html
<!--#include virtual="/xPage0.php" -->

FILE: /xPage0.php

$PageFile = "/xPage.html";


require_once($RootPath . $AccessLoggerDir . 'access_log.php');

FILE: /Site_Env.php



$AccessLoggerDir = "/access_logger/";

FILE: /access_logger/access_log.php

require_once($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . '/Site_Env.php');


function http_BL_Lookup()
$http_BL = new http_bl('your key'); // Put your Project Honey Pot http:BL access key here
$IP_Address = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; // Replace with the IP address to query
$return = $http_BL->query($IP_Address);

return array(
'Return_Code' => $http_BL->Return_Code,
'Result_Code' => $http_BL->Result_Code);

function http_BL_PreCheck()
global $PageFile;

$http_BL_Lookup = http_BL_Lookup(); // http:BL Lookup

if ($http_BL_Lookup['Return_Code'] == 2) // Send Honey Pot instead of requested page
$PageFile = "/Project_Honey_Pot/Project_Honey_Pot.html";

virtual($PageFile); // Deliver the page (or the honey pot)

FILE: /Project_Honey_Pot/Project_Honey_Pot.html
<!-- header("Location:") -->
<title>Project Honey Pot</title>
<table border="0" width="100%" id="table1">
<td rowspan="3" align="center" bgcolor="#FFFF00" width="100"><font size="6" color="#FF0000"><b>Access Denied</b></font></td>
<td align="left"><b><font color="#FF0000" size="4">Warning</font>:</b> According to
<a href=""><b>Project Honey Pot</b></a> your IP address has been used by spammers to harvest
email addresses from web sites, engage in comment spamming, etc.</td>
<td align="left">Please visit the <a href=""><b>Project Honey Pot</b></a> <a href="<!--#include virtual="Client_IP_Address.php" -->"><b>IP Address Inspector</b></a> to lookup up your IP address (<a href="<!--#include virtual="Client_IP_Address.php" -->"><b><!--#include virtual="Client_IP_Address.php" --></b></a>) for more information.</td>
<!--#include virtual="/honeypot.php" -->

FILE: /Project_Honey_Pot/Client_IP_Address.php

FILE: /honeypot.php
(your honey pot)

FILE: /access_logger/httpBL.Class.php
/* Project Honey Pot Http BlackList
version 0.1

- 2008-01-18 version 0.1 by Francois Dechery,
- 2008-11-20 Some minor changes and additions by Anonymous.

This php class is distributed under the GNU Public License ("GPL") version 2.

Usage Example:

$h=new http_bl('your_access_key'); // put your access key here
$ip=''; // replace with the ip to query

echo $ip.": ";
echo "Found a " . $h->type_txt ." (".$h->type_num .") with a score of ". $h->score . ", last seen since ". $h->days . " days";
echo "Found a " . $this->engine_txt ." (".$h->engine_num .") Search engine";
echo "Not Found";

class http_bl{

var $access_key ="";

var $domain ="";
var $type_codes=array(
0 =>'Search Engine',
1 =>'Suspicious',
2 =>'Harvester',
3 =>'Suspicious & Harvester',
4 =>'Comment Spammer',
5 =>'Suspicious & Comment Spammer',
6 =>'Harvester & Comment Spammer',
7 =>'Suspicious & Harvester & Comment Spammer'

var $search_engine_codes=array(
0 =>'',
1 =>'',
2 =>'Ask Jeeves/Teoma',
3 =>'Baiduspider',
4 =>'',
5 =>'Google Bot',
6 =>'',
7 =>'',
8 =>'Live/MSN Bot',
9 =>'Yahoo! Slurp',
10 =>'Twiceler',

var $ip ='';
var $Result_Code ='';
var $Return_Code = 0;

// Spammer
var $days =0;
var $score =0;
var $type_num =0;
var $type_txt ='';

// Search Engine
var $reserved =0;
var $engine_num =0;
var $engine_txt ='';

// ***********************************************
function http_bl($key=''){
$key and $this->access_key=$key;

// return 1 (Search engine) or 2 (Generic) if host is found, else return 0
function query($ip){
if(!$ip){return FALSE;}
// list($first,$days,$score,$type)=explode('.',$host);

$this->Result_Code = $host;

// Spammer
$this->days = $second;
$this->score = $third;
$this->type_num = $fourth;
$this->type_txt = $this->type_codes[$fourth];
return $this->Return_Code = 2;
// Search Engine
$this->reserved = $second;
$this->engine_num = $third;
$this->type_num = $fourth;
$this->engine_txt = $this->search_engine_codes[$third];
return $this->Return_Code = 1;
// Not Found
else {
$this->Result_Code = "";
return $this->Return_Code = 0;

Post Edited (1 Jan 09 3:14am)
 Pre-Check w/Logging & Page Counting w/PHP
Author: J.Yard2   (25 Nov 08 3:14pm)
The following PHP code will check the http:BL and deny access to clients listed in the database, and instead deliver your honey pot.
In addition the page requests are logged, and also counted when/if an associated <$PageName>.gif file is requested by the client.

An Overview:
Client requests /index.html, which is simply an include to /xPage0.php

xPage0.php sets the PageName and PageFile variables, includes /Site_Env.php, access_log.php, and calls http_BL_PreCheck function.

http_BL_PreCheck function queries the http:BL database, logs the result, and depending on the result delivers either the requested xPage or your honey pot page.

In addition, when the delivered page is loaded by the client, if the client requests the <$PageName>.gif image file then the counter for that page is incremented, and an entry added to the access log.

FILE: /index.html
<!--#include virtual="/xPage0.php" -->

FILE: /xPage0.php

$PageName = "x Page";
$PageFile = "/xPage.html";


require_once($RootPath . $AccessLoggerDir . 'access_log.php');


FILE: /Site_Env.php



$AccessLoggerDir = "/access_logger/";
$AccessLogsDir = "/access_logger/Access Logs/";
$CounterImagesDir = "/access_logger/counters/";



FILE: /access_logger/access_log.php

require_once($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . '/Site_Env.php');


function http_BL_Lookup()
$http_BL = new http_bl('your key'); // Put your Project Honey Pot http:BL access key here
$IP_Address = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; // Replace with the IP address to query
$return = $http_BL->query($IP_Address);

return array(
'Return_Code' => $http_BL->Return_Code,
'Result_Code' => $http_BL->Result_Code);

function http_BL_PreCheck()
global $PageName, $PageFile, $CounterImagesDir;

// Get DNS Registered Name of Remote Host
if (isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_HOST'])) $hostname = $_SERVER['REMOTE_HOST']; // If enabled use the PHP 'REMOTE_HOST' predefined variable
else $hostname = gethostbyaddr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); // Otherwise lookup host name

// http:BL Lookup
$http_BL_Lookup = http_BL_Lookup();

// Log the access
log_write($http_BL_Lookup['Result_Code'], $hostname, $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);

if ($http_BL_Lookup['Return_Code'] == 2) // Send to Honey Pot
$PageName = "Honey Pot";
$PageFile = "/Project_Honey_Pot/Project_Honey_Pot.html";


print '<font size="1"><img src="' . $CounterImagesDir . $PageName . '.gif" width="1" height="1" style="visibility: hidden"></font>';

<!-- Counter -->
<!--#include virtual="/access_logger/count.php?PageName=Home Page" -->

function Counter()
global $RootPath, $AccessLogsDir;

// Get DNS Registered Name of Remote Host
if (isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_HOST'])) $hostname = $_SERVER['REMOTE_HOST']; // If enabled use the PHP 'REMOTE_HOST' predefined variable
else $hostname = gethostbyaddr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); // Otherwise lookup host name

$path_parts = pathinfo($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);

// $newline = "\r\n";
$newline = "\n";

/* echo $path_parts['dirname'], $newline;
echo $path_parts['basename'], $newline;
echo $path_parts['extension'], $newline;
echo $path_parts['filename'], $newline; // since PHP 5.2.0

// Since PHP 5.2.0
$CounterName = urldecode($path_parts['filename']);
// Pre PHP 5.2.0 workaround to get file name
// $FileName = urldecode($path_parts['basename']);
// $CounterName = substr($FileName, 0, strrpos($FileName, "."));

// $CounterName = $HTTP_GET_VARS["PageName2"];
// $CounterName = $_GET["PageName2"];

// http:BL Lookup
$http_BL_Lookup = http_BL_Lookup();

// Log the counter
log_write($http_BL_Lookup['Result_Code'], $hostname, $CounterName);

// Increment the counter
$filename = $RootPath . $AccessLogsDir . "count.log.txt";
$handle = fopen($filename, "r");
$contents = fread($handle, filesize($filename));

$lines = split($newline, $contents);

$contents = "";

foreach ($lines as &$line) {

if (!strpos($line, "\t")) continue;

list($value, $name, $since_date) = split("\t", $line);

if (strcmp($name, $CounterName) == 0) {
settype($value, "integer");
$hits = $value;

if (strlen($name) > 0) {
$contents = $contents . $value . "\t" . $name . "\t" . $since_date . $newline;

$handle = fopen($filename, "w");
fwrite($handle, $contents);

function log_write($http_BL_Result_Code, $hostname, $Counter_Request_URI_Name)

global $MySQL, $RootPath, $AccessLogsDir;

// If no referrer then initialize to empty string.
if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] = "";

// Create log entry string
$str2 = "'" . date("Y/m/d','H:i:s','T") . "','" . $http_BL_Result_Code . "','" . $hostname . "','" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "','" . $Counter_Request_URI_Name . "','" . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] . "','" . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] . "'";
$str = date("Y-m-d\tH:i:s\tT") . "\t" . $http_BL_Result_Code . "\t" . $hostname . "\t" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "\t" . $Counter_Request_URI_Name . "\t" . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] . "\t" . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] . "\r\n";

// Write to DB
if ($MySQL)

global $connexion, $db_host, $db_username, $db_password, $db_name;

// session_start();
$db_name = 'stats'; // Web_Stats Database Connection
$db_host = 'localhost'; // database server
$db_username = 'db_user_name'; // database user
$db_password = 'db_password'; // database password
$ConnectResult = dbconnect();

$res = mysql_query("INSERT INTO Access_Log (Date, Time, Time_Zone, http_BL, Domain_Name, IP_Address, File_Name, Referer, User_Agent) Values($str2)");
//$res = mysql_query($query) or die("MySQL error");

// write to log file
//error_log($str, 3, "access.log.txt");

$date = getdate();
//$log_file = ($date[year] . "-0" . $date[mon] . " (" . $date[month] . ")" . ".access.log.txt");
//$log_file = date("Y-m", mktime()) . " (" . $date[month] . ")" . ".access.log.txt";
$log_file = date("Y") . ".access.log.txt";

if (!file_exists($RootPath . $AccessLogsDir . $log_file)) {
copy($RootPath . $AccessLogsDir . "Template.access.log.txt", $RootPath . $AccessLogsDir . $log_file);
chmod($RootPath . $AccessLogsDir . $log_file, 0666);

error_log($str, 3, $RootPath . $AccessLogsDir . $log_file);

FILE: /Project_Honey_Pot/Project_Honey_Pot.html
<!-- header("Location:") -->
<title>Project Honey Pot</title>
<table border="0" width="100%" id="table1">
<td rowspan="3" align="center" bgcolor="#FFFF00" width="100"><font size="6" color="#FF0000"><b>Access Denied</b></font></td>
<td align="left"><b><font color="#FF0000" size="4">Warning</font>:</b> According to
<a href=""><b>Project Honey Pot</b></a> your IP address has been used by spammers to harvest
email addresses from web sites, engage in comment spamming, etc.</td>
<td align="left">Please visit the <a href=""><b>Project Honey Pot</b></a> <a href="<!--#include virtual="Client_IP_Address.php" -->"><b>IP Address Inspector</b></a> to lookup up your IP address (<a href="<!--#include virtual="Client_IP_Address.php" -->"><b><!--#include virtual="Client_IP_Address.php" --></b></a>) for more information.</td>
<!--#include virtual="/honeypot.php" -->

FILE: /Project_Honey_Pot/Client_IP_Address.php

FILE: /honeypot.php
(your honey pot)

FILE: /access_logger/counters/.htaccess
Action count-handler /access_logger/count.php
AddHandler count-handler .gif

FILE: /access_logger/counters/x Page.gif
(an empty file)

FILE: /access_logger/httpBL.Class.php
Project Honey Pot Http BlackList
version 0.1

- 2008-01-18 version 0.1 by Francois Dechery,
- 2008-11-20 Some minor changes and additions by Anonymous.

This php class is distributed under the GNU Public License ("GPL") version 2.

Usage Example:

$h=new http_bl('your_access_key'); // put your access key here
$ip=''; // replace with the ip to query

echo $ip.": ";
echo "Found a " . $h->type_txt ." (".$h->type_num .") with a score of ". $h->score . ", last seen since ". $h->days . " days";
echo "Found a " . $this->engine_txt ." (".$h->engine_num .") Search engine";
echo "Not Found";

class http_bl{

var $access_key ="";

var $domain ="";
var $type_codes=array(
0 =>'Search Engine',
1 =>'Suspicious',
2 =>'Harvester',
3 =>'Suspicious & Harvester',
4 =>'Comment Spammer',
5 =>'Suspicious & Comment Spammer',
6 =>'Harvester & Comment Spammer',
7 =>'Suspicious & Harvester & Comment Spammer'

var $search_engine_codes=array(
0 =>'',
1 =>'',
2 =>'Ask Jeeves/Teoma',
3 =>'Baiduspider',
4 =>'',
5 =>'Google Bot',
6 =>'',
7 =>'',
8 =>'Live/MSN Bot',
9 =>'Yahoo! Slurp',
10 =>'Twiceler',

var $ip ='';
var $Result_Code ='';
var $Return_Code = 0;

// Spammer
var $days =0;
var $score =0;
var $type_num =0;
var $type_txt ='';

// Search Engine
var $reserved =0;
var $engine_num =0;
var $engine_txt ='';

// ***********************************************
function http_bl($key=''){
$key and $this->access_key=$key;

// return 1 (Search engine) or 2 (Generic) if host is found, else return 0
function query($ip){
if(!$ip){return FALSE;}
// list($first,$days,$score,$type)=explode('.',$host);

$this->Result_Code = $host;

// Spammer
$this->days = $second;
$this->score = $third;
$this->type_num = $fourth;
$this->type_txt = $this->type_codes[$fourth];
return $this->Return_Code = 2;
// Search Engine
$this->reserved = $second;
$this->engine_num = $third;
$this->type_num = $fourth;
$this->engine_txt = $this->search_engine_codes[$third];
return $this->Return_Code = 1;
// Not Found
else {
$this->Result_Code = "";
return $this->Return_Code = 0;

FILE: /access_logger/db_connect_wrapper.php
// Database connection and sql-wrapper
// Definitions in cnf_main.php
function dbconnect()
global $connexion, $db_host, $db_username, $db_password, $db_name;
$connexion = mysql_connect($db_host, $db_username, $db_password) or die("Could not establish database server connection. Check username and password");
$connexionbase = mysql_select_db( $db_name ) or die("Could not establish database connection. Check username and password");
return(($connexion && $connexionbase));

// Verbindungsaufbau
//$Connectresult = dbconnect();

// SQL - Wrapper
function sql($query, $operation)
global $debugmode;
if($debugmode == 1)
$result = mysql_query($query) or die("SQL-Error: ".mysql_error()."<br>Query: ".$query);
$result = mysql_query($query) or die("SQL-Error. Please contact the MailMaster");
case "select":
$ret = array();
$lines = mysql_num_rows($result);
if( $lines == 0 )
return $ret;
$x = 0;
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_BOTH))
$ret[$x] = $row;
return $ret;
case "insertwithID":
$InsertID = mysql_insert_id();
return $InsertID;
case "insert":
return $result;
case "update":
return $result;
case "delete":
return $result;


FILE: /access_logger/count.php

require_once($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . '/Site_Env.php');

// If being run as an SSI set page counter image on the page.
if (isset($_GET["PageName"])) {

print '<font size="1"><img src="' . $CounterImagesDir . $_GET["PageName"] . '.gif" width="1" height="1" style="visibility: hidden"></font>';

// echo $_GET["PageName"];

// If being run as handler (.htaccess) increment page count.
else {
// Log the counter
require_once($RootPath . $AccessLoggerDir . 'access_log.php');

-- Table structure for table `Access_Log` in db 'stats'

CREATE TABLE `Access_Log` (
`ID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
`Date` date NOT NULL,
`Time` time NOT NULL,
`Time_Zone` varchar(3) NOT NULL,
`http_BL` varchar(15) NOT NULL,
`Domain_Name` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
`IP_Address` varchar(45) NOT NULL,
`File_Name` text,
`Referer` text,
`User_Agent` text,

-- Table structure for table `Counter_Names` in db 'stats'

CREATE TABLE `Counter_Names` (
`ID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
`Counter_Name` varchar(50) NOT NULL,

Post Edited (1 Jan 09 3:14am)
 Stats View (Log & Page Counts)
Author: J.Yard2   (25 Nov 08 4:19pm)
FILE: /Stats.php

$PageName = "Stats";
$PageFile = "/Web_Stats.php";

// Table Formating
$TH = '<TH nowrap bgcolor="#FFFF00" align="left">';
$TD1 = $TD = '<TD nowrap bgcolor="#CCFFFF" align="left">'; // Alternate row highlight color
$TD2 = $TD = '<TD nowrap bgcolor="#FFFFCC" align="left">'; // Alternate row highlight color

// Get site environment stuff
require_once($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . '/SiteEnv.php');

//require_once($RootPath . $AccessLoggerDir . 'access_log.php');

// Database Wrapper
require_once($RootPath . $AccessLoggerDir . 'db_connect_wrapper.php');

// Database Connection
// session_start();
$db_name = 'stats'; // stats Database Connection
$db_host = 'localhost'; // database server
$db_username = 'db_user_name'; // database user
$db_password = 'db_password'; // database password
$ConnectResult = dbconnect();

// Print the 'Page Couters' table header row
print '<P><B><U>Page Counters:</B></U>';
print '<TABLE border="1" width="10%" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" id="Couters">';
print "<TR> $TH Count</TH> $TH Page Name</TH> $TH Since</TH> $TH Last</TH></TR>";

// Query & print the 'Page Counters' table contents
$counter_name = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Counter_Names"); // Get the counter names
for ($i=0;$counter_row = mysql_fetch_array($counter_name);$i++) { // Query and Print each of the counters
$Counter_Name = $counter_row['Counter_Name'];

if ($TD == $TD2) $TD = $TD1; // Alternate row highlight color
else $TD = $TD2;

// Query Count, min & max date
$result = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(File_Name), MIN(Date) as minDate, MAX(Date) as maxDate FROM Access_Log WHERE File_Name = '" . $Counter_Name . "'");
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);

// Print the 'Page Counter' table row contents
print "<TR> $TD <p align='right'>" . $row['COUNT(File_Name)'] . "</TD> $TD <p align='left'> $Counter_Name </TD> $TD <p align='left'>" . $row['minDate'] . "</TD> $TD <p align='left'>" . $row['maxDate'] . "</TD></TR>";
print "</TABLE>\r\n";

// Query 'Access Log'
$Recent = 10;
if (isset($_GET["Recent"])) $Recent = $_GET["Recent"];
if (isset($_GET["AccessLogRecent"])) $Recent = $_GET["AccessLogRecent"];

$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Access_Log ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT $Recent");

// Print the 'Access Log' table header row
print "<P><B><U>Access Log:</B></U> (recent $Recent)";
print '<TABLE border="1" width="100%" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" id="Access_Log">';
print "<TR> $TH ID</TH> $TH Date</TH> $TH Time</TH> $TH Time Zone</TH> $TH http:BL</TH> $TH Domain Name</TH> $TH IP Address</TH> $TH Page Name / File</TH> $TH Referer</TH> $TH User Agent</TH></TR>";

// Print the 'Access Log' table contents
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
if ($TD == $TD2) $TD = $TD1; // Alternate row highlight color
else $TD = $TD2;

print "<TR> $TD $row[ID]</TD> $TD $row[Date]</TD> $TD $row[Time]</TD> $TD $row[Time_Zone]</TD> $TD $row[http_BL]</TD> $TD $row[Domain_Name]</TD> $TD $row[IP_Address]</TD> $TD $row[File_Name]</TD> $TD $row[Referer]</TD> $TD $row[User_Agent]</TD></TR>";
print '</TABLE>';

// Query 'Validate eMail Address Format Log'
$Recent = 10;
if (isset($_GET["Recent"])) $Recent = $_GET["Recent"];
if (isset($_GET["VEAFLogRecent"])) $Recent = $_GET["VEAFLogRecent"];

$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Validate_Email_Address_Format_Log ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT $Recent");

// Print the 'Validate eMail Address Format Log' table header row
print "<P><B><U>Validate eMail Address Format Log:</B></U> (recent $Recent)";
print '<TABLE border="1" width="100%" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" id="VEAF_Log">';
print "<TR> $TH ID</TH> $TH Date</TH> $TH Time</TH> $TH Time Zone</TH> $TH http:BL</TH> $TH Domain Name</TH> $TH IP Address</TH> $TH Page Name / File</TH> $TH Referer</TH> $TH User Agent</TH> $TH Email_Address</TH> $TH Expected_Result</TH> $TH Actual_Result</TH> $TH eMailbox_Existence</TH><TR>";

// Print the 'Validate eMail Address Format Log' table contents
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
if ($TD == $TD2) $TD = $TD1; // Alternate row highlight color
else $TD = $TD2;

print "<TR> $TD $row[ID]</TD> $TD $row[Date]</TD> $TD $row[Time]</TD> $TD $row[Time_Zone]</TD> $TD $row[http_BL]</TD> $TD $row[Domain_Name]</TD> $TD $row[IP_Address]</TD> $TD $row[File_Name]</TD> $TD $row[Referer]</TD> $TD $row[User_Agent]</TD> $TD $row[Email_Address]</TD> $TD $row[Expected_Result]</TD> $TD $row[Actual_Result]</TD> $TD $row[eMailbox_Existence]</TD></TR>";
print '</TABLE>';


Post Edited (27 Dec 08 2:50am)
 Re: Pre-Check w/PHP
Author: G.I2   (14 Jan 09 3:34am)
Hi J.Yard2

This looks like something I would really love to install on my site. Is there any chance of getting some kind of step by step instruction on installing this?

I have been trying to find a php plugin for my site for quite some time now but the information around here about installing these plugins seems to be wrapped in secrecy. I did send off a couple of "contact us" emails a few months ago requesting some help with installing a plugin, but they were never replied to. I am just getting tired of doing manual lookups and banning via htaccess and sendmail reject listing.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

do not follow this link

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