Project Honey Pot Statistics

Project Statistics (as of October 15 2024)

Time From Harvest
To First Spam
Slowest: 3 years, 4 months, 2 weeks, 3 days, 21 hours, 1 min, 31 secs
Fastest: 1 sec
Average: 2 weeks, 5 days, 12 hours, 49 mins, 41 secs
Harvester Traffic 2.75% of all honey pot visitors are harvesters
Spams Sent 909.4 messages to the average spam trap address
4,019,502 messages sent to the most targeted trap
Spam Servers Per
118.9 spam servers per harvester
Monitoring 140,470,370 IPs
515,667,426 spam traps
Identified 904,844 harvesters
2,176,250 search engines
107,542,464 spam servers
1,318,392 comment spammers
28,570,846 dictionary attackers
37,248 rule breakers
1,470,086 bad web hosts
(This Week)
5,984 harvesters
43,190 spam servers
198 comment spammers
2,064 dictionary attackers
0 rule breakers
4,040 bad web hosts
Received 3,822,831,988 unique spam messages
230,140 unique messages this week
Monitoring Capability 351,065,000,000 spam traps
Top-5 Countries For
(see top-25)
#1 China (28.2%)
#2 United States (22.4%)
#3 Spain (4.0%)
#4 India (3.1%)
#5 Great Britain (3.1%)
Top-5 Countries For
Spam Sending
(see top-25)
#1 China (10.3%)
#2 Brazil (8.4%)
#3 United States (7.3%)
#4 Russia (6.6%)
#5 India (5.7%)
Top-5 Countries For
Dictionary Attacks
(see top-25)
#1 China (10.4%)
#2 India (10.2%)
#3 Brazil (8.0%)
#4 Russia (6.5%)
#5 Vietnam (6.3%)
Top-5 Countries For
Comment Spamming
(see top-25)
#1 China (29.3%)
#2 United States (16.3%)
#3 Russia (9.8%)
#4 Ukraine (4.5%)
#5 Brazil (4.2%)
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