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Author: L.Perini   (28 Feb 10 2:47pm)
I joined this site to try and understand alot of the "jargen" that goes with learning the good and bad of owning a computer.
I have been stalked,harrassed, my identity exploited by spammers on
They claim to be of the Russian Federation most of the time when infact they are not. I know this because...
I was adopted and never used my adoptive name and shared that name with one person only....It showed up on stopforumspam...
My maiden name showed up on stopforumspam and is not a common name at all...
My husband's name showed up on stopforumspam......
My grandchildrens names showed up on stopforumspam.....
My adopted sons last name is on stopforumspam ans was only revealed to one person...
My exboyfriends pet name is on stopforumspam (personal between him and I)
My exboyfriends a k a name is on stopforumspam (personal so his wife didn't catch him)
The place where i met my ex is on stop forum spam...
Coincidence....I THINK NOT !!!!!!!!!!!!
All of the above under the ip's of the RUSSIAN FEDERATION.... I HIGHLY DOUBT IT !!!
None of the above has ever been discussed in any form or way on the computer..
The Russian Federation did not get into my sealed adoption records nor did they have bugs on my phone or record the conversations between me and my ex.......
The " SAGA" continues.... I have tried to get stopforumspam to help, they have not. I have contacted Anthony Cea relentlessly ...
"CYBER CRIMES" are pain stakingly hard to detect as well as disect, Very expensive to
persue legally and more importantly, very hard to get help with.
Please contact me if your interested in helping !!!

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