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Geographic Location United States United States

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E.Lynch3 commented...
I met this person through Badoo. She goes by the name Joy Janet and said she was in Manchester, England to do business. I insisted that she send me an email because I could check her IP. For the two emails she sent me it showed her location was near Lagos, Nigeria. I played along. Eventually she said that she was coming to the United States to meet me. She needed $400. I told her, no problem. She wanted my address. But I acted puzzled. I said that if I were to send her money, I must have her address. She gave me one.
NAME: ------------- JOY LEE
ADDRESS: -------- 95a Salisbury rd.
COUNTRY;--------------- ENGLAND
ZIP CODE--------- SW18 1NH


i really love you and i promise you that as soon as i get the fund i will come over to your state

Then I broke the news to me that she was lying and really writing from Nigeria and that this was a scam. She was really ripping off old men.

I checked the address on Google maps and it is a real residence on the outskirts of London- roughly a 500,000 pound flat.

I tried to delete her but she keeps writing me. Now she says that she is in Dallas, Texas She wrote me from this particular IP, that is cited here. If you are interested, I will copy her pathetic pleadings.

Please write me more on what you know about this person.

Her email: Joy Janet ;
and the same email from the new location: Joy Janet ;

Please keep me posted.

Ed Lynch
December 15 2011 03:58 AM

Honey Pot System commented...
WHITELIST NOTICE: This IP has been REMOVED from Project Honey Pot whitelists; bad activity was encountered.
December 14 2011 02:30 AM

Honey Pot System commented...
WHITELIST NOTICE: This IP has been whitelisted. Future bad activity will result in automatic removal.
December 13 2011 01:00 AM

Honey Pot System commented...
WHITELIST NOTICE: This IP has been marked to be included on Project Honey Pot whitelists. The whitelist is scheduled with a delay of 00:00:05. Documented reason for whitelist: Hit by a virus or trojan
December 13 2011 12:55 AM

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